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Indiana University Virtual World Language Festival Virtual Academy

Time limit: 730 days


Full course description

Course Registration

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Course Introduction

With support from the College of Arts and Sciences and various language programs at Indiana University (IU), the Center for Language Technology (CeLT) has hosted multiple World Language Festival (WLF) at the IU Bloomington campus over the past years. Offering over 75 languages and 80 overseas study programs, IUB is a world renowned university committed to language study and global culture. With a persistent theme of “Widen Your World: Learn a Foreign Language,” IUWLF aims to celebrate the diverse cultures and languages of our world and to showcase the outstanding instruction and language resources at IUB.  IUWLF 2021 virtual!  This virtual festival is now a continuous course with regularly added new modules each year. We want to celebrate world languages whole year long! From K-12 students to adult learners, all are welcome! 

WLF has been reimagined for 2021 into a multi-day online celebration of world languages and cultures, including a full day of live sessions and virtual exhit session and a rich collection of self-study lessons developed by IU language teaching faculty and graduate students, available from May 15th. After the May 15th Live Event, the event continues with its  Self -Study Language and Cultural Lessons developed by language faculty and graduate students at IU. Currently the lessons covering more than 10 languages with possibilities of adding new languages and lessons over the year. 

  • Get various digital badges for attending lives sessions and completing self-study lessons
  • Participate in tongue twister contest for prizes

Module Topics Include

  • world languages 
  • world cultures

Learning Outcomes

After attending the virtual WLF, you will be:

  • talk about a new language or culture you did not know
  • know more about a language or culture of your interest
  • have some fun learning a language or culture
  • get motivated to learn more about world languages and culture


Lead Organizers: IU Center for Language Technology (CeLT)

Co-Organizers:  IU Center for the Study of Global Change & IU Global Education Initiatives, School of Education 


Learners obtain a digital badge for each module completed


You decide! As short as 10 minutes to hours, days and weeks!


K-12 students, college students, general public

Sign up for this course today!
